Thursday, 15 April 2010

today a portrait of me selfness


jake gumbleton said...

HA HA I recognised you straight away :)

Foom Spectacular said...

Great shapes and a good likeness.
Reminds me of Al Hirschfeld style.

Crowpie said...

Thanks guys! Gotta love the Hirschfeld style!

Paul Abbott said...

you look happier sinse you handed your notice in. I want to have a sunny day out to eastbourne again soon. I love this style by the way, reminds me of picasso sketchies, echonomy of line 'n all that belch

Crowpie said...

haha, cheers for the belch Paul! Let me know if you're going to be kickin' it "old person" stylee in Eastbourne again, it'd be good to hobble about town for a bit!

Oscar Grillo said...

Brilliant drawing, Crow!

Crowpie said...

Thank you Mr Grillo!!